An 8-hour interview with Elon Musk and the Neurolink team by Lex Friedman

Lex Fridman conducted an extensive 8.5-hour interview with Elon Musk and the Neuralink team. For those who cannot watch the full video, here is a summary of the key points.

Neuralink’s goal is to enable human beings to communicate directly with machines and eventually with each other. We want to create a symbiosis between humans and artificial intelligence – Elon Musk.

How does Neurolink work, what is it made of

Neuralink technology includes three main components:

  1. N1 Implant — A miniature device implanted in the brain, containing flexible electrodes that collect neural signals.
  2. Electrodes — Thin, flexible threads, smaller than a human hair, implanted into the cortical layer of the brain to record neural activity.
  3. Surgical Robot — A specialized device for the precise implantation of threads into the brain, automating the process and minimizing tissue damage.

The Neuralink app (B1 app) decodes signals from the implant and translates them into commands for controlling external devices.

Neuralink Implantation Procedure

The implantation procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation involves medical examinations, preoperative planning using MRI and CT scans, and discussing all procedure details with the patient.
  2. Surgical Stage starts with sterilizing the operating room, anesthesia, and the surgery itself. The surgeon drills a hole in the skull and uses the robot to implant the threads into the brain.
  3. Post-Operative Stage includes monitoring the patient, rehabilitation, and configuring the device for optimal performance.

First Human Implant of Neuralink

January 2024, Neurolink performed the first human implantation of the device. An incredible event. Noland Arboga is the world’s first person with a Neurolink implant, reminiscent of fiction. The team conducted numerous preoperative trainings and collaborated with the Barrow Neurological Institute to ensure successful surgery.

The procedure involved several steps, such as anesthesia, drilling a skull hole, and implanting electrode threads. The device started functioning within an hour of the operation, and Noland was able to control a computer cursor.

Cursor Control Experiment

The aim of the experiment was to test Neuralink’s ability to control a cursor through mental commands. The process involved setting up the system, recording neural signals, and training the system to recognize specific activity patterns. Noland achieved high accuracy and speed in cursor control, significantly improving his independence.

Neuralink’s Plans

The company plans to conduct mass trials with ten people in 2024 and larger-scale trials in the future. Neuralink is also working on improving technology, expanding device functionality, and developing new interfaces. Future plans include increasing the number of channels for decoding and integrating with various physical objects.

Medical Applications

Neuralink devices could assist in treating various disorders, including quadriplegia, Parkinson’s disease, vision and hearing impairments, as well as depression and anxiety. They may also aid in memory restoration and speech improvement.

Limitations and Challenges

Key challenges include surgical risks, long-term device viability, and the need for regulatory approval. Ethical concerns related to privacy and accessibility of technology remain significant.


In the future, Neuralink devices may offer users various superpowers, such as accelerated communication, enhanced cognitive abilities, control of devices by thought, improved vision and perception, and treatment of mental disorders.

FAQ About Neuralink

What is Neuralink?

Neuralink is a company founded by Elon Musk. They develop devices that can connect the human brain to computers.

What are Neuralink’s goals?

Neuralink aims to improve the connection between humans and machines. They also plan to use their technology to treat brain diseases and enhance people’s lives.

What has the company achieved?

Neuralink has successfully tested their devices on animals. They are now preparing for human trials.

What risks are associated with Neuralink’s technology?

There are risks from surgery and potential impacts of implants on health. Neuralink works to minimize these risks and thoroughly test their technology.

How can Neuralink help in medicine?

Neuralink’s technology could help treat diseases like paralysis and depression, and improve patients’ lives.

When will Neuralink’s technology be available to the public?

For now, the technology will be used for medical purposes and undergo testing. Full availability may take several years.

Neuralink, founded by Elon Musk, is revolutionizing brain-machine interfaces to connect human brains with computers. Discover their technology, achievements, and future plans.

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